Wednesday, November 5, 2008

White Obama Voters Conned in Gramscian End-Game: Why Domestic Terrorism Now a Concern

So the true motivations pour out like water from a squeegee.

MSM profiles a white male Obama voter named Graham who talked about "breaking the race barrier". Sobbing he admits that he wanted to "say to black people in this country, ‘It’s possible.'"

True motivations - such as recapturing perceived racial innocence - are not something new, but a decades old con game perpetrated by Black America Inc. to promise racial healing in exchange for - "stuff". Stuff = lots and lots of money, resources, loss of free speech for "haters" and toleration of sometimes obscene, violent and appallingly depraved black behavior.

As always, the con game is just that - a con. More concessions by whites will be unmatched by the promised deliverance of racial innocence. Particularly gullible whites will continue to ask the con artist for more promises of deliverance from racial guilt for - well, more money. The con artist, seeing how willing his victim is to give him money, sees the opportunity to give enough back of what the victim needs to keep the relationship going - without terminating the victims need - and hence establishing a source of regular income for the perpetrator. And that's the ticket - to push white Americans into a "cultural Stockholm syndrome" in which the victim soon identifies only with the needs of the perpetrator.

Does black America have the insight, restraint or intelligence to stop the con job and give these desperate whites their racial innocence? Or, is it too much to ask these whites to not ask for something back that they didn't have for the taking? After all, hardly anyone alive today was involved in slavery, Jim Crow or segregation.

Since the left has culturally defined any tough approach to minorities by whites as being "racist" its obvious why the tougher approach has been avoided. When faced with losing our jobs and vitality to brown shirts at work for deploying our version of the truth, we opt silence. Yet if this is a viable solution, has the problem gotten better? Blacks have only become more abusive towards whites over time so well typified by the Jena incident. As responsible citizens we must convince our own to stop engaging in the con job and to stop confusing love with pacifism and giving away money. Whites are turning out to be the quintessential bad parents.

If you are shaking your head thinking this isn't part of the conversation, look at the final voting tally. Though an electoral landslide did occur, it can be safely said that almost 50% of voters did *not* vote for Obama. Is this "racism", or is it civil resistance to what is perceived to be the most non-democratic democratic ideology in United States history: a Gramsican super state that will legislate political correctness into an Orwellian nightmare? Is it the face of naked evil that threatens the very underpinnings of our free society? The N-word debate is a harbinger. We know in our bones its just a damn word and shouldn't be a rallying cry for minorities, feminists and homosexuals to grab money and power. Its not what the founding fathers intended, which is why the Left wants to transform America, not build upon it.

Take it even further: as hate crime legislation is expanded in an Obama presidency, America will suffer a permanent black eye to its most cherished notion: free speech. The Obama presidency will seek to invert the natural order that is evident in nearly every society, and legislate its outcome such that the needs of the majority serve the needs of the minorities. An ideological shift from exceptional-ism as the driving force to same-ism will make America a mediocre place at best and a third world country for our children at worst. This is deemed acceptable by so many as it is seen as virtuous and just, though very little thought has been given to its suicidality. China and Russia will exploit this plucking us from the world stage as a super-power.

By the end of the first year, the broken promise of deliverance from racial innocence for most Obama whites will sting badly as the con is made clear. The true agenda of the left - multicultural marxism - will subsume the "racial divide" discourse as the Pelosi-Reed team commit the ultimate betrayal: open borders and amnesty.

In the final siege of the "City Upon The Hill", the stakes are far higher; far worse spectres may rise: a resurgence in domestic terrorism for some folks who, until this point, tolerated the foolishness but now feel the country slipping completely away into an alien ideology. MSM will become a villain far greater than even what the current critics can conjure, eventually being equated with the demise of the United States. George Will was correct in alluding to politics no longer being like a forty-yard line game in which there is a return to center. Ideological extremism at home could very well have fatal results.

Obama has more on his plate than he knows. His failure to live up to his promises especially for those who did not vote for him and portrayed him badly, could plunge the country into an entirely new, dark and violent chapter. Ironically, how and whether Obama forges a relationship with the white males that cast him aside may determine the course and outcome of the coming storm. Too much is now at stake for white males to go quietly in the night as they did before.

God forbid, and God we ask your mercy.

1 comment:

Sonny Cox said...

The price of democracy

What a total mockery
This tainted price of democracy
It sometimes sounds like blasphemy
Ending up in hypocrisy
Africa has taken its toll
On whites as a whole

Firstly you were colonialists
Then you were extremists
Thirdly you were Nationalists
Now you are described as counter revolutionaries
Where does the buck stop
When from Africa you get the chop?

You came and conquered
You converted and educated
You rebuilt the barren land to riches
Now you are regarded as ‘white witches!’

The time has come to stand firm
Yes, to observe the perish of this social germ!

(C) Copyright WEC 2008

Comments by WEC

Donald S McAlvany said it all!